rickpatton1: Laghetto di Fié, Trentino Italy (iPhone image)
rickpatton1: iPhone image from Castelrotto, Trentino-Alto Italy
rickpatton1: Sulmona, Abruzzo Italia
rickpatton1: The Monte Rosa viewed from Busto Arsizio, Italy
rickpatton1: Forest
rickpatton1: Odense, Denmark
rickpatton1: Lo Sciliar Castelrotto,Italia
rickpatton1: The leaning tower of Pisa
rickpatton1: Lago di Como, Italia
rickpatton1: Summer
rickpatton1: Country Road
rickpatton1: Orange flower/Fritillaria imperialis
rickpatton1: Magic Slim
rickpatton1: iPhone image from Baveno, Italy (Lago Maggiore)
rickpatton1: Seagull
rickpatton1: Brunch
rickpatton1: Buon Appetito
rickpatton1: Seagull on cliff
rickpatton1: Blue Skies of Rìmini, Italy
rickpatton1: Lago Maggiore, Italy
rickpatton1: Glass ceiling/roof of La Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Milano Italy
rickpatton1: At the end of the tunnel
rickpatton1: Castelrotto, Italy
rickpatton1: Curiosity
rickpatton1: Seagull in the morning
rickpatton1: The book of love
rickpatton1: Harbour