SkyLightDream: Waterfall in the San Cristobal Hills
SkyLightDream: Panoramic view of the La Ventana coastline
SkyLightDream: Panoramic view from San Cristobal Hill
SkyLightDream: Small Magellanic cloud and a swarm of stars
SkyLightDream: Acrux, double star, Alpha of the Southern Cross
SkyLightDream: Trees of the foothills next to the Carina arm and the great Magellanic cloud
SkyLightDream: Leo and Cancer
SkyLightDream: An ocean painted in the sky
SkyLightDream: Moon and Venus Conjuntion
SkyLightDream: The Moon and Venus in the central coast
SkyLightDream: Total Solar Eclipse Chile 2019
SkyLightDream: Canopus: the brightest in the southern sky
SkyLightDream: The beautiful southern summer sky
SkyLightDream: Lagoon of charm under a lovely night sky
SkyLightDream: Sirius and the star cluster M41
SkyLightDream: God's eye Nebula
SkyLightDream: Horse Head Nebula
SkyLightDream: Witch Head Nebula and Beta Orionis: Rigel
SkyLightDream: Andromeda and Triangulum galaxy from El Yeso, Chile.
SkyLightDream: The Triangulum Galaxy
SkyLightDream: South Celestial Pole from El Cajón del Maipo
SkyLightDream: Andromeda from southern skies
SkyLightDream: Pisces and Aries from San Gabriel
SkyLightDream: Milky Way on the hills of Las Melosas
SkyLightDream: Orion the hunter and Taurus
SkyLightDream: Orion Nebula
SkyLightDream: My first Saturn
SkyLightDream: My first Jupiter
SkyLightDream: Ptolomeo Cluster
SkyLightDream: Prawn Nebula and the Northern Jeweler