桂影: I am sorry to announce that Asian Isle will be closing next week. Thanks everyone for your support in the past 2 years.
桂影: Asian Isle is on Destination Guide
桂影: Horn of Plenty Hunt - Can you find it?!
桂影: Asian Isle is taking part in the Grid Wide Halloween Hunt
桂影: A small fountain beside the mansion
桂影: Sunset
桂影: Satellite view of Asian Isle
桂影: Thanks "SL - less traveled" for the group cover. My honor.
桂影: New willow tree beside the pond
桂影: New lanterns setup
桂影: Setting up some new buildings
桂影: Setting up some new buildings
桂影: People are enjoying their sailboat there
桂影: New Windlight in the SIM. Come by for a visit. All suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
桂影: This SIM is called "Tianya Haijiao 天涯海角". In English it means:
桂影: Thanks Stephi for setting up this house and the beautiful pond!