GadgetGaz_Photo: Wren preening_D85_1417
sstavsky: Max Mara
Shalley Lewis: Siskin Carduelis spinus
Shalley Lewis: Crested grebe Podiceps cristatus
sstavsky: At the Woodside Station
Valantis Antoniadis: Gone fishin'
rirififi83: Ascension
Marrtin Steindl: MyFlickrYear2021 in Zahlen.
photon120777: Friends
photobysof: L'enfant dans le soleil
sstavsky: The Eyes Have It
sstavsky: Path in Winter
Silvere KPADE: Reflets à Dinan
Silvere KPADE: Fonds Noir
GadgetGaz_Photo: Buzzard_D85_9427
Shalley Lewis: Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis
Shalley Lewis: Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis
Valantis Antoniadis: Hay's Galleria
Shalley Lewis: Treecreeper Certhia familiaris
sstavsky: Autumn Scene in Central Park
GadgetGaz_Photo: Stonechat male_D85_6225
GadgetGaz_Photo: Kingfisher female_D85_1158
rirififi83: loneliness