j. lafferty: journal entry I (containing maguey virgen aparition)
j. lafferty: the grand cabala
j. lafferty: sketch (chola)
j. lafferty: sketch (chola two)
j. lafferty: priestess emanating the body of the syllable of yod
j. lafferty: sketch (tres hermanas)
j. lafferty: sketch (stead of ages)
j. lafferty: sketch (stella maris)
j. lafferty: journal entry three (containing the coffin)
j. lafferty: the shining overture (flyer)
j. lafferty: sketch (pinetears)
j. lafferty: sketch (sefira two: om jaya jaya! crown of creation)
j. lafferty: sketch (owl woman)
j. lafferty: sketch (fox woman)
j. lafferty: sketch (frog twins)
j. lafferty: journal entry four (containing guardiansistermotherunicorn)
j. lafferty: journal entry five (containing hellruna)
j. lafferty: journal entry six (containing the eloy book)
j. lafferty: power number eight
j. lafferty: journal entry seven (containing the counter spell of the moon)
j. lafferty: sketch (bear woman)
j. lafferty: the wisdom sign of the great satan
j. lafferty: vibrant medium
j. lafferty: my sorrowing heart
j. lafferty: the night totem
j. lafferty: the crossed palm
j. lafferty: hawaiian honey
j. lafferty: "HINDOO."
j. lafferty: homebody flash one
j. lafferty: homebody flash two