PJ Swan: Spiral
Samuel Santiago: 2022 in B&W: Georgia on my mind.
Stavrarg: Piazza San Marco / Venice - Italy
Michael Zheng - 奔驰野马: Journey Into Mystery #1
Malain17: Sous les projecteurs
Frédéric Long: Le point rouge
AWLSheep: A knothole with a POINT (in EXPLORE)
LuisParalta_Fotografia: F l o o d i n g
Rouge_Lucifer: Green Energy
- AdelheidS Photography -: Praia do Amado, Portugal (explored)
radek 3: Light and shadow
Just Ron ;): caught by the organ
Nebelkuss: Dicen las paredes
Rafael Gomez - https://micamara.es: Camara funeraria de la Tumba de Nefertari esposa del Faraon Ramses II Dinastia XIX del Valle de las Reinas 01 exposicion Las Hijas del Nilo Palacio de las Alhajas Madrid
Northern Snapper: Old Jetty, Taynuilt
robertlxndm: Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe
Aileen Lannen Mozug: Anne's glass 2
Marce Alvarez.: Puente del PCTCAN
Ralf Muennich: Staircase CXXIX
Andrei Baskevich: Karelian barcode
Graeme Noble's Photography: Chinese Mountains
Luis Cagiao: As Fragas do Eume
Fragile Decay: It can look like still waters on the outside, while a hurricane is swirling in your mind.
Jim Teske: Gooseberry Falls State Park, Minnesota
Jeff Mitton: A Volcano Erupts A Galaxy
LuckyMeyer: Sunset
ajimhill: Silo City
qaxwkhlm1: November Morning