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Al Alvis
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Al Alvis
Cardinal MG_1534
Al Alvis
White-Breasted Nuthatch IMG_1375
Al Alvis
Downy Woodpecker- Male IMG_1768
Al Alvis
Ameerican Tree Sparrow IMG_1730
Al Alvis
Northern Cardinal- Male
Al Alvis
Northern Cardinal- Female IMG_2185
Al Alvis
Tufted Titmouse IMG_2406
Al Alvis
Red-Bellied Woodpecker IMG_2433
Al Alvis
Mourning Dove IMG_2098
Al Alvis
IMG_8692 copy1 1080©
Al Alvis
American Tree Sparrow IMG_1824
Al Alvis
Open Wide 249A2339
Al Alvis
Splash Down CC8A8701
Al Alvis
Mute Swan IMG_6465
Al Alvis
Mallard in flight CC8A5670
Al Alvis
Mallard Hen CC8A5720
Al Alvis
Mallard Hen & Fall Reflections IMG_7318
Al Alvis
Mallard Drake IMG_7721
Al Alvis
Mallard Drake IMG_7506
Al Alvis
Mallard Drake CC8A5913
Al Alvis
Mallard Drake CC8A5796
Al Alvis
Mallard Drake CC8A5728
Al Alvis
Mallard Drake & Fall Reflections IMG_8104
Al Alvis
Mallard Drake & Fall Reflections IMG_8102
Al Alvis
Mallard Drake & Fall Reflections IMG_7315
Al Alvis
Like water off a duck's back CC8A5686
Al Alvis
Great Egret CC8A6328
Al Alvis
Canada Goose IMG_6633
Al Alvis
About to land CC8A8850
Al Alvis
Mallard Hen IMG_8247
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