WonderWitch: ruil voor evilla
WonderWitch: turquoise over yellow cooling down
WonderWitch: rainbow delight 21-10-2012
WonderWitch: rack full of different yarns and colors
WonderWitch: orange out of the dyepot cooling down
WonderWitch: one day of hard work
WonderWitch: my personal bounty 21-7-2012
WonderWitch: hanging out to dry
WonderWitch: dyes for home and spindle
WonderWitch: 2012-10-27 17.04.47
WonderWitch: 2012-10-27 17.04.40
WonderWitch: 2012-10-27 14.26.11
WonderWitch: morris maus 03
WonderWitch: Morris Maus 02
WonderWitch: Morris Maus 01
WonderWitch: 2012-10-09 18.52.58
WonderWitch: 2012-10-09 18.52.43 (1)
WonderWitch: 2012-10-09 18.51.32
WonderWitch: 2012-10-09 18.51.23
WonderWitch: 2012-10-09 18.51.02
WonderWitch: 2012-10-09 18.50.31
WonderWitch: peter pan vari lilac
WonderWitch: peter pan vari blues
WonderWitch: Pat with my amazing shawl
WonderWitch: Pat wrapped up in it!
WonderWitch: sexy little shrug works with jeans
WonderWitch: IMAG0224
WonderWitch: and the front is cute too!
WonderWitch: Crystal Palace Moonshine
WonderWitch: Happy 5 year b-day for Woool