melanie.louette: getting his ducks in a row
melanie.louette: holding onto summer
melanie.louette: as quickly as it began...
melanie.louette: saying goodbye to the pool
melanie.louette: obsessive personality
melanie.louette: Heeeerrre's Johnny....
melanie.louette: endless summer bench
melanie.louette: tender heart
melanie.louette: daisy fence
melanie.louette: at last, the sea.
melanie.louette: beach treasure
melanie.louette: rose hip dip
melanie.louette: cheesecake
melanie.louette: local colour
melanie.louette: all colours
melanie.louette: look for it.
melanie.louette: perfect harmony
melanie.louette: ready for her close up...
melanie.louette: In summer, the song sings itself.
melanie.louette: ...or I'll roundhouse kick ya.
melanie.louette: lush (Explore)
melanie.louette: “We're so busy watching out for what's ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.”
melanie.louette: peppermint dream
melanie.louette: dog days
melanie.louette: How I spent my Canada Day. :)
melanie.louette: soft swirl