melanie.louette: polaroidreal
melanie.louette: The happiest flower.
melanie.louette: Notre Dame
melanie.louette: Winter walk
melanie.louette: quiet storm
melanie.louette: Happy Christmas!
melanie.louette: finally, the sea
melanie.louette: this moment
melanie.louette: Lovely Rita
melanie.louette: always in my heart
melanie.louette: The world is my oyster
melanie.louette: riot squad on 5th avenue
melanie.louette: Spring in Central Park
melanie.louette: When you possess light within, you see it externally.
melanie.louette: Wishing you the merriest!
melanie.louette: To heal my aching moods, give me God's virgin woods. ~Clinton Scollard
melanie.louette: farm fence
melanie.louette: the sad season.
melanie.louette: Indian summer afternoon
melanie.louette: Persevere, and get it done.
melanie.louette: Sunshine
melanie.louette: untitled
melanie.louette: "a happy life consists in tranquility of mind."
melanie.louette: essence of summer