iwona_podlasinska: Adam and the cat (underneath the Christmas tree)
PUNWL: Fujifilm X-E1
livhanna83: **I seen another world.Sometimes I think it was just my imagination**.
livhanna83: ** Every Artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his now nature into his pictures**
livhanna83: **The pale, cold light of the winter sunset did not beautify.It was like the light of truth itself**
livhanna83: **Creativity is more than just being different.Anybody can plan weird;that's easy.What's hard is to be as simple as Bach.Making the simple,awesomely simple, that's creativity**
Rubio-Martinez: In The Cotswolds
Brendan Swihart: afternoon
dweible1109: OMFD 2766
Atget's Morning Light: 8th Av, Manhattan, NYC
AncasterZ: Orchids
Charlie Block: the truth don't stop
rumimume: SF97 Rox
rebfoto...: Mannequin 4 .... ; (c)rebfoto
Viejito: Taking a Shot Of the Chutes...
ruckyletsrockBS: Espresso Drop.^^
John Dreyer: Smokestack and Field DSC_0552_01_edited-1
slammerking: Railroad Crossing
moemay9: will you marry me
Jon Dickson Photography: Art Museum in Autumn
Tom Leventhal: Nick and Roadhog 1976
Saleet Arham: Kakolat Falls
Ryan Jay DC: Nami Island
MustangRosie: lifes reflections
Wagner Queles: Brennand's sculpture
alexanderferdinand: Stift Klosterneuburg, Niederösterreich- Lower Austria (as seen from the Leopoldsberg in Vienna)
Rodrigo Almendras V.: Salinas Lo Valvidia