David Ruiz Luna: Idyllic scene
FegiR: Ballenbühl
FegiR: Atacamawüste
Jose David: Explored - Juanambu Gorge - Nariño
FegiR: Gelmersee
FegiR: Nünenenflue
FegiR: Sulsseewli
FegiR: The north face of the Eiger
FegiR: Oeschinensee: View from First
FegiR: Grundsee in Lötschental
FegiR: Strättligburg with Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau
FegiR: Gspaltenhorn, Blümlisalp, Fründenhorn and Doldenhorn
FegiR: Doldenhorn: View from Rauflihorn
FegiR: Simply reflection
FegiR: Lobhörner with the shadow of their five teeth
FegiR: Lötschental
FegiR: Sunrise at Chummlispitz
FegiR: Heavy snow storm at Wildi Frau
FegiR: Melting Morteratsch glacier and Piz Bernina behind
FegiR: Advent in Bern
Ann Marlene: Ode to Switzerland
Ann Marlene: The Jungfrau
Ann Marlene: The Matterhorn in Autumn
Ann Marlene: The Wonders of Iceland
Ann Marlene: The Adventure Begins
Ann Marlene: Nature's Perfect Gift
Ann Marlene: Rudolph Waiting for Santa
Sergei V: Mount Fytnargin. Гора Фытнаргин
Sergei V: Uzhum ridge and Kizgych river valley. Хребет Ужум и долина реки Кизгыч.
Sergei V: Psysh River Valley. Mount Przysz, 3790 m. Долина реки Псыш. Гора Пшыш, 3790 м.