{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: "I whisper and the wind responds"
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: "My brother's keeper"
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: "My weapon of choice"
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: "Sounds like thunder"
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: ContestEntry - "And all I do is think of her..."
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: "The Shadow Emperor Rises"
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: Neo-Japan SL Event Photo Contest 6 [Tyrus Olbers]
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: "Repetition makes perfect" - NEO JAPAN Blog Entry 3
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: "Hounds at the door..." - NEO JAPAN Blog Entry 2
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: "Neon Mischief" - NEO JAPAN Blog Entry 1
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: "The Mirror Looks Back" - Art Exhibit & Gallery Residence
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: "What Lies Beyond" (Remastered)
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: "Delightful Measures"
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: "The Vulture" (Remastered)
{Thespis Clay Virtual Photography}: Neo-Japan Event Photo Contest 5 - Tyrus Olbers - "The Crimson Samurai"