Seppi49: Sonnenaufgang über den Schweizer Alpen mit Nebelmeer, im vordergrund der Jura/Sunrise over the Swiss Alps with a sea of ​​fog, in the foreground the Jura
Seppi49: Feuerball, die aufgehende Sonne in den Schweizer Alpen/Fireball, the rising sun in the Swiss Alps
Paul R. Sanchez: Abundant Snow
olexvarn: A visit to St Aidan’s at sunrise
dckellyphoto: Badlands National Park
dckellyphoto: Badlands National Park
dckellyphoto: Badlands National Park
ralfkai41: winter-wonder-waterfall - Winter-Wunder-Wasserfall
natureloving: Olives from the garden
natureloving: The Commander Butterfly (Moduza Procris)
natureloving: Sweet pea grandiflora 'Matucana' (Lathyrus odoratus)
SnapsByTodd62: New York
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: Day 6 on the W Trail: Patagonia's Frozen Cathedral.
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: Day 6 on the W trail: Ice, Ice Baby... Gone: The Sad Tale of Grey Glacier.
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: Day 3 on the W Trail: My Legs Said 'No,' But My Eyes Said 'Yes' (and My Jaw Dropped).
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: Day 6 on the W Trail: Nature's Reflection.
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: First Day of the W Trail: Nature's Masterpiece.
ALLrin: Blue Morpho Butterfly
julianthomas: Morpho Butterfly
diego devesa: Morpho Butterfly
jimmy hoffman: Charaxes jasius
yvescourt123: Parc Marie Victorin !
ER's Eyes - Our planet is so beautiful.: Day 6 on the W Trail: Yin and Yang on the Lake.
Seppi49: Aufkommender Gewittersturm am Etang de Mandre
Seppi49: Regenbogen, und weiter fegte der Sturm über das Gelände
Ron Buening: That Spot
Ron Buening: Walk Like an Egyptian!
ershen1: W072 Milford Sound - 1
KaAuenwasser: Kleine Pause