RICH3FLICK: Esplanade - Oslo Opera
RICH3FLICK: Angles - Oslo Opera Terrace
RICH3FLICK: View from the esplanade - Oslo Opera
RICH3FLICK: Il y a un an ! (One Year Ago !)
RICH3FLICK: New England Holocaust Memorial - Boston
RICH3FLICK: New England Holocaust Memorial - Boston
RICH3FLICK: Port de Boston - vue partielle
RICH3FLICK: Pont pour piétons et cyclistes - Bridge for Pedestrians and Cyclists (Lille Langebro in Copenhagen)
RICH3FLICK: Roof Access
RICH3FLICK: The Black Diamond (Den Sorte Diamant)
RICH3FLICK: Circle Bridge (Cirkelbroen) - Copenhagen
RICH3FLICK: Circle Bridge (Cirkelbroen) - Copenhagen
RICH3FLICK: Lines, Shape and Reflection
RICH3FLICK: Oslo Opera
RICH3FLICK: Details of the Cactus Towers - Copenhagen
RICH3FLICK: Cactus Towers - Copenhagen
RICH3FLICK: Multiple géométrie (Geometry Mix)
RICH3FLICK: Snøhetta View Point - 2286 m (Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella NP, Norway)
RICH3FLICK: Snøhetta View Point - 2286 m (Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella NP, Norway)
RICH3FLICK: Géométrie diversifiée
RICH3FLICK: Les lignes du destin (Lines of Destiny)
RICH3FLICK: Opéra - Oslo
RICH3FLICK: Courbes et Lignes (Curves and Lines) CDG, Paris
RICH3FLICK: NATIRASUKTI - Le chasseur de phoque (The Seal Hunter) by Ruben Anton Komangapik - L'Anse-aux-Griffons, Gaspésie Qc
RICH3FLICK: NATIRASUKTI - Le chasseur de phoque (The Seal Hunter) by Ruben Anton Komangapik, L'Anse-aux-Griffons, Gaspésie, Qc
RICH3FLICK: Giacometti Sculpture - J'arrive (I'm Coming)
RICH3FLICK: Le temps nous rattrape (Time Catches Up With US) Giacometti's Sculpture
RICH3FLICK: Réflexion floue (Blurry Reflection)
RICH3FLICK: Mirror Effect
RICH3FLICK: La Cabane à sucre (The Sugar Shack), St-Laurent, Ile d'Orléans