zane kite: an owl taking a stretch in the park
zane kite: the moon and venus saying hello to the night
zane kite: steel wool
zane kite: mexican spotted owl
Dylan Toh: Tasman Fire
m_Summers: Barn Owl
Curculion: Chouette lapone / Great Grey Owl [Strix nebulosa]
pat.netwalk: essence of winterland
Sandy Sharples: Fairies Chapel (Explored)
Brian E Kushner: Short-eared Owl
ABPhotosUK: Wren (Explored 30 January 2017)
Scott Baldock: Forbidden Path II
GillK2012: Little rainbows
Dylan Toh: Epiphany
OC Birds: Allen's Hummingbird, Male
Raúl Podadera Sanz: Temple of Color
Dave 5533: Long-eared Owl
A. Stuckert: Tip-toe through the tropics
eugenio2011: Mantis on white
kencrebbin: Great Gray Owl (Strix-nebulosa)
Gary Fairhead: I Saw A Sawhet In The Snow
Michael Loyd 1: Great Horned Owl