andrea8it: Orobic Alps peaks everywhere
andrea8it: The thin border between golden and blue hour. Last lights over the city
andrea8it: Presolana Peak - Orobie Alps - at sunset
andrea8it: Edelweiss
andrea8it: Trentino 2018
andrea8it: Majestic SassoPiatto and SassoLungo Peaks Group from Col Rodella
andrea8it: Linzone & Val Imagna landscape
andrea8it: Linzone & Val Imagna landscape
andrea8it: Linzone & Val Imagna landscape
andrea8it: Safety first. Never actual as in last 10 days in my sorroundjng mountains, safety is the first and only target trekkers and other mountain visitors had to reach. When you reach the peak, you are only at 50% of the journey, even less. #mountains #montagna
andrea8it: And's all coverde by the soft white winter clover #mountains #montagna #nature #paradise #panorama #travel #trekking #outdoor #hiking #trail #summit #view #orobie #hikingtheglobe #italy #earth #peak #climbing #mountaineer #alps #pizzoarera #niko
andrea8it: Rolling back home under the fog clover. In the middle of the light #mountains #montagna #nature #paradise #panorama #travel #trekking #outdoor #hiking #trail #summit #view #orobie #hikingtheglobe #italy #earth #peak #climbing #mountaineer #alps #pizzoare
andrea8it: Having a break while ascending to Arera peak and taking a look to the wide spaces sorrounding in a rare lack of fog #mountains #montagna #nature #paradise #panorama #travel #trekking #outdoor #hiking #trail #summit #view #orobie #hikingtheglobe #italy #e
andrea8it: Memories of a great day hiking on Arera Mountains with the perfect light #mountains #montagna #nature #paradise #panorama #travel #trekking #outdoor #hiking #trail #waterfall #view #orobie #hikingtheglobe #italy #earth #peak #climbing #mountaineer #alps
andrea8it: Giant waterfall seen from above in Valzurio #mountains #montagna #nature #paradise #panorama #travel #trekking #outdoor #hiking #trail #adventure #view #orobie #hikingtheglobe #italy #earth #peak #climbing #mountaineer #alps #lake #nikonitalia #bergamo #
andrea8it: The military road, build during WWI, was probably the first time mans climbed those peaks, to control and attack the enemies. In this picture, the first steps of the road from Gavia Pass with view on Three Lorda Horn (left) and Gaviola Mount (right). #mo
andrea8it: Unable to do self portrait...resulting just a camouflaged picture #mountains #montagna #nature #paradise #panorama #travel #trekking #outdoor #hiking #trail #adventure #view #hikinggram #hikingtheglobe #italy #earth #peak #climbing #mountaineer #alps #wa
andrea8it: Chasing the sun
andrea8it: 2017-09-23_08-29-34
andrea8it: Love peaks #mountains #montagna #nature #paradise #panorama #abovetheclouds #trekking #outdoor #hiking #trail #adventure #view #orobie #hikingtheglobe #italy #earth #peak #climbing #mountaineer #alps #orobie #nikonitalia #bergamo #earthtales #hikingday #
andrea8it: Three Lords Horn and Sforzellina Glacier stabdig over tha Gavia Pass #mountains #montagna #nature #paradise #panorama #abovetheclouds #trekking #outdoor #hiking #trail #adventure #view #orobie #hikingtheglobe #italy #earth #peak #climbing #mountaineer #
andrea8it: Zambla - Cima Croce
andrea8it: Zambla - Cima Croce
andrea8it: Zambla - Cima Croce
andrea8it: Zambla - Cima Croce
andrea8it: Warriors rest #mountains #montagna #nature #paradise #panorama #abovetheclouds #trekking #outdoor #hiking #trail #adventure #view #orobie #hikingtheglobe #italy #earth #peak #climbing #mountaineer #alps #orobie #nikonitalia #bergamo #earthtales #hikingda
andrea8it: Hiking above the clouds The feeling of being alone above the clouds, walking on a ridge with only your thoughts and the satisfaction of the reached summit. I don't know who was this guy or if he saw me, the only thing I know is that we were the only huma
andrea8it: Darkness and shadow could be scary. But they have a magnetic effect #mountains #montagna #nature #paradise #panorama #travel #trekking #outdoor #hiking #trail #adventure #view #passogavia #hikingtheglobe #italy #earth #peak #climbing #mountaineer #alps #
andrea8it: Colours that happens in a rarely clear august morning #mountains #montagna #nature #paradise #panorama #travel #trekking #outdoor #hiking #trail #adventure #view #passogavia #hikingtheglobe #italy #earth #peak #climbing #mountaineer #alps #sky #nikonital
andrea8it: Adamello Glacier and, in close up, Zigolon Summit with the small cross. The glacier should be much greater than this, six years ago i shouldn't zoom like this to capture it all #mountains #montagna #nature #paradise #panorama #travel #trekking #outdoor