vegter.j.m: Bee together 🐝💜🐝
Carlos. B: Parnassius apollo
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb, Hubble Combine to Create Most Colorful View of Universe
James Webb Space Telescope: Long-wavelength NIRCam Orion mosaic in ESASky
James Webb Space Telescope: Short-wavelength NIRCam Orion mosaic in ESASky
James Webb Space Telescope: A FEAST for the eyes (M51/Whirlpool Galaxy)
James Webb Space Telescope: M51 (NIRCam image)
James Webb Space Telescope: #UnfoldTheUniverse art - by Aleksandra Krzemień
James Webb Space Telescope: Webb Snaps Highly Detailed Infrared Image of Actively Forming Stars
Mark-Seymour: _8530455_red mason bee
Greg Jarman: Small Sprout
Masako Metz: My Secret Garden
Masako Metz: Rough Waves
Masako Metz: Somewhere on the Oregon coast
Masako Metz: Seal Rock, Oregon
James Webb Space Telescope: Webb Shows Areas of New Star Formation and Galactic Evolution
James Webb Space Telescope: Webb Reveals Never-Before-Seen Details in Cassiopeia A
- bjornsphoto -: The Halo Effect
James Webb Space Telescope: Cosmic seahorse
Kikevist_Thierry: Volbeat Zenith de Paris 2022
James Webb Space Telescope: Artist Illustration: VHS 1256 b
James Webb Space Telescope: NASA’s Webb Telescope Captures Rarely Seen Prelude to Supernova (NIRCam and MIRI Image)
roberto parmiggiani: Natural art
vegter.j.m: 69 fireworks 💥
James Webb Space Telescope: A Spiral Amongst Thousands