ChicagoBob46: Up periscope
ChicagoBob46: In a hurry
Sinnassamy Michel: ♂ Mandarin duck / ♂ Canard mandarin
Sinnassamy Michel: Great tit / Mésange charbonnière
Sinnassamy Michel: Red squirrel / Écureuil roux
Sinnassamy Michel: Marsh tit / Mésange nonnette
Sinnassamy Michel: ♂ Great tit / ♂ Mésange charbonniére
Sinnassamy Michel: Tawny owl / Chouette hulotte
Kristel Van Loock: De Tivoli fietsersbrug in Heverlee by evening (Leuven)
Kristel Van Loock: De Tivoli fietsersbrug in Heverlee by evening (Leuven)
Meino NL: Snowdrops with raindrops
Meino NL: Boerenkrokus/ Early crocus
Meino NL: Ribes sanguineum
Meino NL: On the road France
Meino NL: Narcis/Daffodil
Meino NL: Le Grau-du-Roi
Meino NL: Tulipa heweri
Kristel Van Loock: A flowery view on the Peace Monument at the Martelarenplein in Leuven
Kristel Van Loock: A flowery view on the Peace Monument at the Martelarenplein in Leuven
Kristel Van Loock: Artwork "Hand of Promotheus" (Greek God) It's a gift of IMEC to the city of Leuven.
Kristel Van Loock: Artwork "Hand of Promotheus" (Greek God) It's a gift of IMEC to the city of Leuven.
Kristel Van Loock: The Balloon of Friendship by Dany Tulkens near the busstation in Leuven
Kristel Van Loock: The Balloon of Friendship by Dany Tulkens near the busstation in Leuven
ChicagoBob46: Big bird, little catch
ChicagoBob46: The young and the restless
ChicagoBob46: Feather stretcher {Explored}
ChicagoBob46: Marching along
Sinnassamy Michel: Long-tailed tit / Orite à long queue
Sinnassamy Michel: Marsh tit / Mésange nonnette
Sinnassamy Michel: Great tit / mésange charbonnière