ewitsoe: Warsaw Chic 291 365
sinetempore: Dopo un giorno di pioggia - After a rainy day.
sinetempore: Un bagno d'amore - A love bath.
kaibassplayer73: DSC07270-Edit.jpg
sinetempore: Il cielo sul marciapiede - The sky on the sidewalk.
sinetempore: Storie di un marciapiede - Stories of a sidewalk.
sinetempore: Riflessi notturni - Night reflections.
autobahn66.com: wolfsburg surf yellow 1
scubaluna: Variable Tube Worm, Bunter Kalkröhrenwurm (Serpula vermicularis)
Greg Paul 69: A.M. Lake Fog
Greg Paul 69: A.M. Lake Fog
Karine EyE: I'm soooooo good !
Christie Pohl: Unlimited Imaginations
sinetempore: Tra fiocchi di neve - Between snowflakes.
-gregg-: a young mind wandering
-gregg-: then there was two
-gregg-: storm in the distance
-gregg-: gonna be a great day
-gregg-: time to get up
-gregg-: some crazy clouds
-gregg-: heading to the beach
-gregg-: time to get up
-gregg-: clouds
-gregg-: golden
-gregg-: my princess
-gregg-: look out tower
-gregg-: sunrise
-gregg-: two people starting a life together
-gregg-: evening sky