tokinotamao: Japanese White-eye
ricketdi: *** " Classic pose "
ricketdi: *** bernache du canada / canada goose
ricketdi: *** Paruline à flancs marron / Chestnut-sided warbler
Teruhide Tomori: The blue train running through the forest
ricketdi: *** Roitelet à couronne dorée / Golden-crowned kinglet
Ang Hwee Yong: OrientalWhite-Eye@124C-RivervaleDr8567 copy
ricketdi: *** Paruline flamboyante male - American redstart male
Ang Hwee Yong: White-ThroatedKF(J)@PRP7598c
Ang Hwee Yong: CollaredKF@PRMS6312
Ang Hwee Yong: White-ThroatedKF(J)@PRP7517c
Ang Hwee Yong: White-ThroatedKF(J)@PRP7900c
Ang Hwee Yong: White-ThroatedKF(J)@PRP7908c
ricketdi: sittelle à poitrine rousse - red-breasted nuthatch-sitta canadensis
bertheeb: Großer Brachvogel (Numenius arquata) 17021
bertheeb: Turmfalke 17008
bertheeb: Hermelin 17003
tokinotamao: Short-eared Owl
tokinotamao: Red-flanked bluetail
Gary P Kurns: Red-bellied woodpecker
K.P. Huang: DSC_5188_00078
bertheeb: Eisvogel 17007
ricketdi: black-headed trogon-trogon à tête noire-Trogon melanocephalus
ricketdi: *** Hoffmann's woodpecker male / pic de hoffmann male
ricketdi: **** blue dacnis/ dacnis bleu Male
jymandu: Kingfisher, Martin pêcheur d'europe, Alcedo atthis
akurashashin: Common Kingfisher
Zorac&Visar: Goryokaku, Hakodate, Hokkaido
Zorac&Visar: Snow