Andrew G Robertson: The Four Legged Lady
Through_Urizen: House proud
Through_Urizen: Blooming high up (
Julian Munilla Rio: Gansos al vuelo IMG_0819 The Night of Patagonia
Mª José M: Una terraza con vistas
Christoph Fischer: The Telephoto: The Ideal Lens for Landscape Photography!
Custom Digital Photo: 2024 Really Orange Trio
Borja Rial Pereira: The brave Owl
Andrew G Robertson: A Postcard
juanq: Fría mañana de invierno
Mariano Belmar Torrecilla: Dias de lluvia 9
VitorJK: Ribeira da Pena @ Pena (Aldeias do Xisto) - N8567
alexcalver: Beech trunks
Mariano Belmar Torrecilla: 20231108_Otoño 2
Mariano Belmar Torrecilla: 20231108_Otoño
Phil's Pixels: Reflecting on Autumn