helenwoo555: Bei showing them who’s boss. It’s crazy that he can actually reach the vent. Yikes.
helenwoo555: No one ignowes da Bei.
helenwoo555: I’m not sure exactly was happening here but I assume that Bei thought that standing on the crate would intimidate the keepers a little more. 🤔
helenwoo555: Hewwo! I habs a stick hewe now. I will not be ignowed.
helenwoo555: I’m not messing awound hewe. I mean bizness.
helenwoo555: Bei takes a moment to mastermind how to utilize this crate to get what he wants. . .
helenwoo555: Bei looking super sweet between his tantrums today.
helenwoo555: The adorable Lunnies wrestling and stopping to strike a pose. 🐼❤️
helenwoo555: Beautiful princess Bao Bao ❤️
helenwoo555: But why do dey ignowe me like dat!?
helenwoo555: The tantrum roll perfected by da Bei.
helenwoo555: Look who’s on the very edge of the hammy giving his aunties a heart attack. 😯
helenwoo555: Yeah, dis piece should twavel up just fine.
helenwoo555: 🐼🍎
helenwoo555: Who could possibly ignore this sweet little face!? 🐼❤️
helenwoo555: Mama says I must take a baff befowe I see a pwetty panda giwl (specially on Valentimes day) because no one likes smelly panda boys.
helenwoo555: The very handsome Tian Tian over here. ❤️
helenwoo555: Unka Mawty, pssst...awe you up dewe?
helenwoo555: Some little bear was not too happy that he wasn’t fed on time so he decided to send a subtle message to the keepers involving a branch and howdy window. 🙈
helenwoo555: Dear Thin little branch: please hold on to dear life and don’t break and let da Bei fall. Love, all the concerned aunties. 😊
helenwoo555: Da Bei is not kidding hewe, I needs moar foo!
helenwoo555: Frustrated and hungry little baby bear.