Massimo Battesini: Bologna (Italy) - Piazza Santo Stefano
Jasper's Human: The back yard is open for business!
bubbazinettisr20ve: Phidippus audax 1
Jasper's Human: Chance Encounter
bubbazinettisr20ve: Red Dog 2 Yellowstone 2018 Series
Jasper's Human: The Charge of the Ball Brigade
Jasper's Human: Contemplative Beauty
bubbazinettisr20ve: Raspberry Yellowstone 2018 Series
Jasper's Human: The Serpent
Massimo Battesini: Bologna (Italy) - Il “quadrilatero” - Via Drapperie
Revybawb2010: 06 NOV-714744-Art Oil Final Night Edit.jpg
Petr Sýkora: One of those sunsets
Photographe Autodidacte.: 2018-03-20_11-03-51
Jasper's Human: Growing up!
Jasper's Human: Rufous Boy
Jasper's Human: Red red hummer came buzz buzz buzzing along
Jasper's Human: Be sure to get my good side
Massimo Battesini: Bologna (Italy) - Biblioteca “Sala Borsa”
LynxDaemon: Devil friends
Jasper's Human: A little something for the ladies
Cristiano Pelagracci: Freezing calaverna
Jasper's Human: Warm light on a hothead
Jasper's Human: The trusted adviser
Jasper's Human: Someone has had her head in the pollen jar