fumiふみ***: audience
fumiふみ***: city light
fumiふみ***: 連絡船を待つ間/While waiting for the ferry
fumiふみ***: After the wind blows
fumiふみ***: Spin around!
fumiふみ***: Spotlight
fumiふみ***: Stand still
fumiふみ***: in between buildings
fumiふみ***: alone in the wind
fumiふみ***: 高架下
fumiふみ***: human pattern
fumiふみ***: reflection inside the building
fumiふみ***: Walking 
fumiふみ***: performer
fumiふみ***: In the light
fumiふみ***: 街の光
fumiふみ***: parking
fumiふみ***: Bus stop
fumiふみ***: 北新地お化けの夕
fumiふみ***: 彦根城2人
fumiふみ***: 冬景/winter scene
fumiふみ***: With the sun on her back
fumiふみ***: 古都/ancient city
fumiふみ***: 冬びより
fumiふみ***: 巡礼道
fumiふみ***: 小春日和/Indian summer
fumiふみ***: be careful to the right!
fumiふみ***: let's pray