Leonardo Eroico: Loading...
Marconi Cruz de Souza: Estou usando essa conta/I am using this account
Marconi Cruz de Souza: Sertão... #Instagram @marconicruz
SaltyDogPhoto: City Hall Philadelphia, PA
SaltyDogPhoto: It isn't Veterans Day, or Memorial Day, it isn't even Independence Day, but Thank You anyway!
SaltyDogPhoto: Magnum Status
elyjanoville: old school
Mijan Rashid: Good Evening!
lespittets1: Gare de Renens / sunrise
Mark.L.Sutherland: Battle of the Giants
Muss0: SkyFire
SaltyDogPhoto: What do you believe in?
pattaoverhage: Snapshot pt.2
Marconi Cruz de Souza: Sertão... (Pessoal, estou com outra conta no Flickr, só pra fazer as fotos com o celular. Essa está parada! Segue o link dessa foto na outra conta/I'm Flickr account to only post photos taken with mobile) https://flic.kr/p/DR4M1v
Antonio Chac: Crepúsculo
rosiebondi: Its Another Tequila Sun Rise...
Antonio Chac: Varadero
alcidesjrphotography: "Surrealism Paraibano"
Just Venesha: Oxford Street Christmas Lights
Just Venesha: A rainy view from the Giant Wheel at Winter Wonderland
vincent2167: Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+
vincent2167: Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+
alcidesjrphotography: "The waves comes but the stones are." " As ondas vem mas as pedras ficam." LG G4, Câmera Nativa, Manual Mode, Sem edição, F/1.8 | ISO 50 | 1"
macsenti: Chur - Switzerland
macsenti: Chur - Switzerland