LEGO 7: Orgrim Doomhammer-6
MWardancer: The Everqueen
MWardancer: Dryads - The Sylvaneth Sisters
MWardancer: Nemesis the Archdruid
MWardancer: Prince Bearenn on Snaefellsness
MWardancer: MEADS - Modular Elven Allround Defense System
MWardancer: ELVEREST - Elven Repeating Spear Thrower (2)
MWardancer: Elfendaemmerung - Wardancer's Custom Elf Army
TheLegogian: Castle Figbarf 3
11inthewoods: A Grizzly Figbarf
11inthewoods: Die Kreuzottern
11inthewoods: Rohan Royalty
11inthewoods: Attila the Fun
11inthewoods: The White Wizards
11inthewoods: The Forgotten Elves
11inthewoods: How 'Bout Them Lions?
11inthewoods: Shadow Orcs with Night Crawler
11inthewoods: Fire Elves
11inthewoods: Earth Elves
11inthewoods: Water Elves
Myko-: Luke Cage's bar (Netflix's Jessica Jones) WIP
MikeVd: World of Warcraft: Tauren Shaman
MikeVd: World of Warcraft: Tauren Shaman