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albums of koen.thonissen
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my own favorite photos
Alpe-Adria Trail landscapes 2024
Gran Canaria 2024
Var 2023
Asturias, Spain 2023
Extremadura 2023
Fuerteventura 2023
Moths: overview
Moths in Belgium
moths from other countries
Birds: overview
Birds in Belgium
Birds from other countries
amphibians from Belgium
Reptiles from Belgium
amphibians and reptiles from other countries
Butterflies: overview
Butterflies in Belgium
Butterflies from other countries
Mammals: overview
Mammals from Belgium
Mammals from other countries
Grasshoppers and crickets in Belgium
Grasshoppers, crickets & mantis in other countries
Dragonflies and damselflies in Belgium
Dragonflies from other countries
Beetles in Belgium
Beetles from other countries
Flies in Belgium
Flies from other countries
Mushrooms in Belgium
Molluscs in Belgium
molluscs from other countries
Other arthropods in Belgium
Other arthropods from other countries
Bees, wasps & ants from Belgium
Bees, wasps & ants from other countries
Bugs and cicadas in Belgium
Bugs and cicadas from other countries
other insects in Belgium
Other insects from other countries
other invertebrates
fishes from other countries
plants from Belgium
Plants from other countries
wild orchids
leafmines and coleophoras
nog te determineren
Frontal photos
Crete, Greece, 2022
La Gomera 2022
Ardèche 2021
Gambia, 2020
Ardeche, France 2019
Tenerife 2019
Cevennes, France 2018
Valnontey, Italy 2017
Sierra Nevada, Spain, 2018
Erebidae (spinneruilen)
Sphyingidae (Pijstaarten)
Noctuidae (uilen)
Geometridae (spanners)
Notodontidae (tandvlinders)
Sesiidae (wespvlinders)
Lasiocampidae (Spinners)
Drepanidae (Eenstaartjes)
Tortricidae (bladrollers)
Pyralidae (lichtmotten)
Coleophoridae (Kokermotten)
Oecophoridae (Sikkelmotten)
diurnea (Kortvleugelmotten)
Leucoptera (Sneeuwmotten)
incurvariidae (Witvlekmotten)
Argyresthiidae (pedaalmotten)
Ypsolophidae (spitskopmotten)
Crambidae (grasmotten)
Gelechiidae (Palpmotten)
Praydidae (Gladkopjes)
Limacodidae (Slakrupsen)
Depressariidae (Platlijfjes)
Saturniidae (Nachtpauwogen)
Zygaenidae (Bloeddrupjes)
Adelidae (Langsprietmotten)
Choreutidae (Glittermotten)
Blastobasidae (Spaandermotten)
Endromidae (Berkenspinners)
Epermeniidae (Borstelmotten)
Gracillariidae (Mineermotten)
Pterophoridae (Vedermotten)
Eriocraniidae (Purpermotten)
Chimabachidae (Kortvleugelmotten)
Cossidae (Houtboorders)
Tischeriidae (Vlekmineermotten)
Psychidae (Zakdragers)
Plutellidae (Koolmotten)
Hepialidae (Wortelboorders)
Yponomeutidae (Spinselmotten)
Cosmopterigidae (Prachtmotten)
Autostichidae (Dominomotten)
Alucitidae (Waaiermotten)
Tineudae (Echte Motten)
Momphidae (Wilgenroosjesmotten)
Nolidae (Visstaartjes)
Glyphipterigidae (Parelmotten)
Elachistidae (Grasmineermotten)
Peleopodidae (Vuurmotten)
Blastobasidae (Spaandermotten)
Limnaecia (Prachtmotten)
Micropterigidae (Oermotten)