bicyclemug: Lake Cowichan morning, January '22.
bicyclemug: Blenkinsop Road for the last of the farm fields
bicyclemug: Lochside Trail
bicyclemug: End of the autumn colours
bicyclemug: Cloudy Day at Thetis Lake
bicyclemug: Just anOtter Day
bicyclemug: Blenkinsop Lake
bicyclemug: Hearts in 2020
bicyclemug: West coast heart
bicyclemug: 3 hours in the waiting room
bicyclemug: 3 Hours in the Waiting room - Back
bicyclemug: July Sampler
bicyclemug: P1100787
bicyclemug: P1100816
bicyclemug: P1100818
bicyclemug: P1100817
bicyclemug: P1100819
bicyclemug: P1100811
bicyclemug: P1100810
bicyclemug: Joy from the Garden
bicyclemug: Fleming Beach, Esquimalt B.C.
bicyclemug: P1100396
bicyclemug: P1100403
bicyclemug: Martindale Road, in Central Saanich, B.C.
bicyclemug: Esquimalt Lagoon
bicyclemug: Dalla Road, Victoria, B.C.
bicyclemug: Tonolli's Cafe
bicyclemug: P1100386
bicyclemug: P1100385