SonyaC10: macareux
Seventh Heaven Photography - (Fauna): Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae)
FotographyKS!: The Captivating view of Yarada Beach!
desouto: Cold-Water
chuscordeiro: Locomía
stefan.nd: Downstream Waters
stefan.nd: Dreamy Nature
S O P H A I: Terrace on the sea
cuba-photo (on/off): Schick machen fürs Wochenende ;-)
cuba-photo (on/off): Am Schlossgraben
FlorDeOro: Winter Wonderland
Luís Henrique Boucault: Maroon Bells & Clouds
geraintparry: Nant Llwyn-Y-Gwin Waterfall
geraintparry: Blaen-Y-Glyn Waterfall
geraintparry: Pontsticill Reservoir
I. Alberdi Ezpeleta: zampullin chico
I. Alberdi Ezpeleta: agachadiza (becazin)
Carlos A. Barrientos: Hosana en las alturas.
svenvenus1: tempete kurt
Toni_pb: Sunset in Stokksnes
huntergol: Cloudy afternoon
_PrP_: fracas
CHRiiZ: Risslochfälle
Jordi Corbilla Photography: West India Quay reflections.
D. Lorente: Reflejos Venecianos / Venetian Reflections