n czernysz: Rack holder
n czernysz: Rack holder
n czernysz: Rack holder
n czernysz: Rack holder
n czernysz: Rack holder
n czernysz: Spoke nipple installation tool.
n czernysz: Cable stop braze on.
n czernysz: Shifter bosses with I don't feel like making a fixture right now setup.
n czernysz: Shifter bosses with I don't feel like making a fixture right now setup.
n czernysz: Low tech drill stop.
n czernysz: Indicator adapted to fit deckel fp-2 y travel
n czernysz: Leather under crown fender washer making tool I made today, from scrap tubing, a washer and a cheap socket. Works o.k.
n czernysz: Leather under crown fender washer making tool I made today, from scrap tubing, a washer and a cheap socket. Works o.k.
n czernysz: A little better, I think.
n czernysz: I like bike cad, but I don't trust it for some stuff. Modelling rim side walls seems confusing to me. Magnetic boss helpers. You have to be a little careful, but they hold like crazy. You can really nitpick the position, which I like.
n czernysz: Finally got around to finishing these. No more bright ideas!!!
n czernysz: Stanley "Crank A Dropmatic" with optional angle gage. Works good.
n czernysz: Temporary set up. Lowered position.
n czernysz: Temporary set up. Raised position.
n czernysz: A silly tool I made to braze little stuff that needs to rotate during the braze. Bad back helper. It rotates and slides back and forth. Leather for friction which is adjustable with seatpin type bolts.
n czernysz: A silly tool I made to braze little stuff that needs to rotate during the braze. Bad back helper. It rotates and slides back and forth. Leather for friction which is adjustable with seatpin type bolts.
n czernysz: Making a chainstay indent tool. I have a feeling it's to big.
n czernysz: Making a chainstay indent tool. I have a feeling it's to big.
n czernysz: Making a chainstay indent tool. I have a feeling it's to big.
n czernysz: Done.
n czernysz: Notice the difference in silver braze qualities? Bottom O.K. Top looks like shit? That's what happens when you don't bother to read the top of flux containers and use flux for bronze instead of silver braze.
n czernysz: Sometimes I really enjoy just the "get her done" style. Needed to finally join the wood blocks with leather. No measuring , even with the eyeball, just go, go, go. I actually know some people who would be appalled. This is for them.
n czernysz: Low buck frame fixture/ alignment table.
n czernysz: Display micrometer. It's about 3 feet long or so.
n czernysz: B.B. Soft jaws