seven.soundssky: Greta oto
seven.soundssky: Papilio palinurus Machaon émeraude The emerald swallowtail
seven.soundssky: light and dark... together, we are Nature
seven.soundssky: Something about beauty...
seven.soundssky: Hummingbird hawk-moth
seven.soundssky: The scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius)
seven.soundssky: wake up my day..
seven.soundssky: alive leaf..
seven.soundssky: natural dignity..
seven.soundssky: Phoenix was a butterfly...
seven.soundssky: natural high subtlety...
seven.soundssky: summer of love..
seven.soundssky: waiting for the sun
seven.soundssky: mother-of-pearl..
seven.soundssky: something about beauty
seven.soundssky: Caligo atreus
seven.soundssky: Dryadula phaetusa
seven.soundssky: straight to heaven
seven.soundssky: light breakfast
seven.soundssky: motionless beauty
seven.soundssky: the fall of a butterfly
seven.soundssky: Heliconius cydno
seven.soundssky: Heliconius cydno
seven.soundssky: Motionless dinner
seven.soundssky: crystalline ray on the green sky
seven.soundssky: Heliconius hewitsoni
seven.soundssky: A little something before flight
seven.soundssky: Heliconius cydno