Heinz Wille: über den Dächern..
DB*: Otemachi ,Chiyoda-ku ,Tokyo
Heinz Wille: ausblick / outlook
nicoblue2008: weeds in the city , NINGYOU-CHO
nicoblue2008: ガラス越しの薔薇
sul tasto: Les chevaux de bois ne dorment pas
sul tasto: bain de pigeons
sul tasto: sous nos yeux...
sul tasto: rangés
Heinz Wille: reflections
POP SNAP: The Edge Of Town - October 1977
alleys: Tie
fotokaas: Papa H
fotokaas: Mama H
SuzanChen: Arrêt
SuzanChen: Obscur
SuzanChen: Ruelle 3
SuzanChen: Ruelle
SuzanChen: 2 (25/28)
Heinz Wille: the observer...
petterisalomaa: 7-Eleven at Dramaten Theatre, Stockholm
petterisalomaa: Norrmalmstorg, Stockholm
Heinz Wille: think different
Heinz Wille: shadow on the wall ?
mokuu: Commemorative photo shoot by putting smartphone in crotch of tree
mokuu: Laundry in the Dusk
mokuu: Cat who observes me from behind
mokuu: Soft light to insert through the window