T. Knight: The Dream Catcher
Marin Stanišić Photography: Old bridge over teh river Dobra after the high level of water...
leendert3: The Young One
lime1957: Eastern Bluebird
Mark Waddington (Ilkley): May: Middleton Woods
Marin Stanišić Photography: Afternoon by the weir of river Korana...
Wellington H Pracz: BLACK SKIMMER
T. Knight: The Brilliance of Flight
DM Allan: Oldgate Bridge, Morpeth, Northumberland
lime1957: Canada Warbler
Marin Stanišić Photography: Lonely bench with the view...
Marie-Josée D'Amour: Faucon émerillon / Merlin
deenulya: Summertime 💕- Weekly Snapshot with Flickr Social, 7/12/2024
lime1957: Cape May Warbler
lime1957: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
MalcedoP: Martin Pêcheur d'Europe
Pete.L .Hawkins Photography: IMGP9761 Migrant Hawker - Aeshna mixta (Male)
rumyanawhitcher: Feeding time
Marie-Josée D'Amour: Bruant de Lincoln / Lincoln's Sparrow
deenulya: Indian Sands Trail 🌿- Explore, September 14, 2024
T. Knight: Hummingbird on Vitex Flower Spike: Explore 9.14.2024
lime1957: Nothern Bobwhite
MalcedoP: Martin Pêcheur d'Europe
MyKeyC: Green Heron
Fred Canon: Large fly that looked like a bee? (Romsey, UK) [Giant Dark Horsefly]
Fred Canon: Naked Lady in the lake [well, it was a warm day :-) ]
Fred Canon: St John the Baptist's Parish Church, Layer de la Haye, Essex
Fred Canon: Migrant Hawker
Fred Canon: Young Woodpigeon by the looks of it.