ryk_pryke: Balance. Original mixed media female nude painting
ryk_pryke: Black and white portrait by Ryk
ryk_pryke: first_child_28x48cm
ryk_pryke: Charcoal and chalk sketch from life drawing in Chingford a couple of weeks ago. Loose and expressive.
ryk_pryke: WIP. Charcoal and chalk portrait based on one of Joan Fradera's beautifully captured photographs.
ryk_pryke: Soft pastel and charcoal picture of Sofia, drawn at the Chingford life drawing group last Thursday.
ryk_pryke: Gestural figure drawing of the dynamic Emilie Largier from Chingford life drawing last night.
ryk_pryke: Blue pastel portrait adapted from Flickr member Alessandro Villa's original photography.
ryk_pryke: Sikh man drawn in profile with soft pastel. Based on one of Flickr member Angelo Zimna's beautiful photos.
ryk_pryke: life_drawing_male_standing
ryk_pryke: long_pose_pastel
ryk_pryke: 10_minute_pastel_sketch
ryk_pryke: tottenham_exhibition