Ted Smith 574: Technically a challenging shot of this Solitary Snipe. Taken through glass and hand held at 1/60s to blur the water whist praying that the bird didn’t move…
cliveswildshots: its cold
cliveswildshots: cant take any more
Jeremy Eyeons: BLACK-HEADED GULL diving for food.
wildlifelynn: Tufted Duck (m)
golfpatphoto: Grue cendrée
bobmullen777: Carolina Wren 1-20-2025
neilhilton65: Crested Tit
Ted Smith 574: European Bison on the move, Eastern Poland 😊
Simon Stobart: Indian Thick-knee
Benjamin Joseph Andrew: Grey Seal pup
Benjamin Joseph Andrew: Grey Seal pup
Benjamin Joseph Andrew: Grey Seal pup
John Arthur Thompson: Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) pollinating a Hoary Mustard (Hirschfeldia incana) Winter Wildflower
Jochen Maes: Eye level with a cheetah
nealesbirds: Black- Winged Stilt - Cyprus April 2024.
Simon Stobart: Grey Headed Fish Eagle
fotodave22: DSP08940 - Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
Gordon Magee: Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)
Carlos Eduardo Joos: Lagoa Comprida - Portugal
Pete Walkden: Crested Tit
Spinney Birder: Smew - drake or White Nun
neilhilton65: Cattle Tyrant
normanrice11: Water Rail
normanrice11: Water Rail
normanrice11: Water Rail
danielhopkin73: Take off little owl.
bobmullen777: Dark-eyed Junco 1-20-2025
Simon Stobart: Little Green Bee Eater