billoddie3: Red Kite, Milvus Milvus
billoddie3: Marsh Tit. Parus Palustris
Geoff_Holland: Barn Owl
Ben Revell: Sylvia #4
msj99: Green Hairstreak, Callophyrs rubi
cruso2: File1031
msj99: Sedge Warbler, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
billoddie3: Great Crested Grebe family. Podiceps Cristatus
neil smith2010: Wheatear
Geoff_Holland: Kingfisher (1 of 1)
Turnertower: Be. More. Rods.
billoddie3: Nuthatch .Sitta Europaea.
Bryan Ledgard: Al Fresco and family
Adam Swaine: White Water Lily | Nymphaea Alba
Adrian Royle: IMG_1128
billoddie3: Kingfisher, Alcedo Atthis
billoddie3: Roe Deer, Chevreuil
msj99: White Helleborine, Cephalanthera damasonium
msj99: Fly Orchid, Ophrys insectifera
neil smith2010: Common Seal
Adam Swaine: Sanderling on the Beach @ Titchwell Norfolk
billoddie3: Oyster Catcher. Haematopus ostralegus
billoddie3: Gannets, Morus Bassanus
Darren.Chapman: Sedge-Warbler
Darren.Chapman: Yellowhammer
Adam Swaine: Avocet behaviour @RSPB Tichwell Norfolk
Jackie XLY: Whitby
Adam Swaine: Common whitethroat @ Snettisham RSPB Norfolk
Alan McFadyen: 31st May 2022 Fox Cub