bobbidoll17: Fussy cuts for November received.
bobbidoll17: Fussy cuts for November received.
bobbidoll17: Plus one received for November. Thanks, Laurie!
bobbidoll17: Fussy cuts received for October. Love them all!
bobbidoll17: More Sept fussy cuts.
bobbidoll17: Fussy cuts for September.
bobbidoll17: Fussy cuts for August
bobbidoll17: Fussy cuts for August.
bobbidoll17: Fussy cuts for 1
bobbidoll17: Fussy cut received for July.
bobbidoll17: Fussy cuts received for July.
bobbidoll17: Fussy cuts received for July.
bobbidoll17: Fussy cuts for July.
bobbidoll17: Fussy cuts and plus one for July.
bobbidoll17: More June fussy received
bobbidoll17: Fussy received for June
bobbidoll17: Plus one received for June.
bobbidoll17: Plus 1 For June...dedicated to all of the Wonder Women everywhere.
bobbidoll17: More blues for June
bobbidoll17: Working on my blues for June.
bobbidoll17: Yellow blocks
bobbidoll17: Yellow blocks
bobbidoll17: Plus one for May.
bobbidoll17: April fussy cuts received. Thanks! Love them!
bobbidoll17: April fussy cuts received.Thanks!
bobbidoll17: April plus one received.
bobbidoll17: Plus one received.
bobbidoll17: Red Fussy Cuts received.
bobbidoll17: Red Fussy cuts received.
bobbidoll17: Blue violet fussy blocks