drew.shed: Right sole busted at the front but tape has held it together well for me. Sz 11.5-12 $100 obo 570-205-6975
colby heckenkamp: Christmas cop?
aggiewrestler: Built a wresting room in my basement.
short_fred: Bnwt size lg who wants
guitargenius320: someone make some deals with me
the 1 and only jerzie: You already know... #fargo2017
chrissmith6202: 180 sz 8.5/9
guitargenius320: sz 8.5 fit big offer
guitargenius320: buy my stuff guys i want the jackals gone by next week
guitargenius320: price check! sz 8.5 kolat internationals heel of sole is hard but the front is soft but can be hardend help me out what should i value them at
guitargenius320: price check! sz 8.5 kolat internationals heel of sole is hard but the front is soft but can be hardend help me out what should i value them at
guitargenius320: shoe laces brand new sz 43 singlets AS jackals sz 8 fit big white inflicts sz 8 fit big rwb inflicts sz 9.5 offer up 6313465043
~631 Trained~: got my dream car, my first car. gimme some ideas of what to do to it besides new rims
taggart1996: Another one down
brakanmead: Commited to THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY!!!!!
fernando_serratos: Love what I do
raflievano: Tryna buy some college issued singlets As-Am hmu
cooperatkins: Well boys what do u think
cooperatkins: For sale and for trade they are 9.5
tblake152: Sz 12 anyone want for $70 or trade something sz 10.5-11.5?
tblake152: Sz 12 anyone want for $70 or trade something sz 10.5-11.5?
sharer.andrew: 10 hrs till weigh ins…
nik_tiberio17: After season stash so far