zoomyboy.com: Half Frozen
Schalli63: wintersun
serbosca: Shining in the Dark [Explored October 25th 2016]
xxremixx: Mist in the forest
Wim van Bezouw: Drops for Macro Monday PPEP
zoomyboy.com: bled in the early morning
Marie.L.Manzor: Happy Summer to all of my Filckrfriends!!!
Marie.L.Manzor: Versaille's Garden
Wim van Bezouw: Someone hacked my credit card MM
zoomyboy.com: a little white beauty
Tibor Nagy: Phidippus putnami jumping spider
Wim van Bezouw: Butterfly bokeh
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Lifting Help Please ( 快帮帮我 ) !
Wim van Bezouw: Nighttime Lavender
Wim van Bezouw: Precious pink
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Relaxing ( 放松 )
Marie.L.Manzor: Old Sheldon
Wim van Bezouw: Not indigenous
Wim van Bezouw: Anemone 'Wild Swan'
Wim van Bezouw: Butterfly
Majorimi: Ponceau field
Wim van Bezouw: Anemone 'Wild Swan'
Wim van Bezouw: Mister and Misses B.
Wim van Bezouw: Wet bumble bee RIP
Dirk Buse: DSC04574 2048
Images by Bob Richards: Advancing Robins!
Thank you, my friends, Adam!: Life is precious but yet can be very short. Remembering Orlando Mass Shooting.