ImSpicer: Samples I found lying around. Size 9. Only two pairs ever made I believe
FunkySockBoyz-FSB: Medium, 9.5’s on dodo’s, 10.5 on OG’s and Rudis.
kolton.malone77: Size 8.5 😍 Project 365: Day 144 #Photography #Project365 Candle Embers #Macro
dbo18: Top 16ish Asics
dbo18: This is Sparta! If you don't fav this pic you shouldn't be on Flickr...
rworachek: Size 9
littlethadd: Need Sz 11.5-12.5
rworachek: 10.5 BNIB
macey17k: I luv omnis
iWrestle823: Asics Super Lyte size 7.5 7.75/10
cantrassian: It's not the best shoe game, but it's my favorite.
Cameron Robinson2: Who has this singlet in a AS or AM will trade shoes and singlets
dbo18: $ is $... Who cares if someone's parents help them get started or buy stuff for them. Same goes for hating on the older collector's because they have more $ to spend. Take that $ and shut up! Haven't you learned anything yet? You drove most of the $ away.
Ty Jones: His and hers Lytes 💜
cantrassian: HMU with some street wear to rock with these. Supreme, Bape, Nike. Y'all get the point. I'm a size small. Also need tapered jeans. Slim fit. You know what I need. Not joggers.
worldsoldestsport12: Custom '92 Asics Reflex Too Size 10 (resoled) NFST
MiWrestler2448 **3139997804**: Bought a new truck
jsimp2: Shoe collection pics
JoeyVig: Soo.. That's not an old box under the Lyte 1s. Remake in progress? dake posted his pair on instagram yesterday
justinhenry1999: Team China!
2pac 1996: The Kent Holy Grails #asics #goldrulons#rulons 10.5 beautifully sewn
littlethadd: Congrats to Jacob!
macey17k: Team Heat just to strong.