IVA ILIC: Iro ink in pencil #sketch #sketchbook #artjournal #pencil #fountainpen ink #meltingthemidnightink
IVA ILIC: Piggy banks are empty. But they got company... 😊💕
IVA ILIC: Loosening my style... #teacup #SketchingNowEdges #SketchingNowEdgesLesson1 #lesson1
IVA ILIC: Tea break. Practicing edges on my little tea cup. #SketchingNowEdges #sknEdges15 #SketchingNowEdgesLesson1 #lesson1
IVA ILIC: Tea break. Practicing edges on my little tea cup. #SketchingNowEdges #sknEdges15 #SketchingNowEdgesLesson1 #lesson1
IVA ILIC: Attempting edges outdoors. Adding background layers in "hazy melted color" manner... Fun experiment! Sorry, did not find a monument...
IVA ILIC: No monument, but addressing layers at a local Starbucks patio...
IVA ILIC: Changes in colors... #sknEdges15 #lesson1 Shoes, shoes, shoes... Having so much fun with the homework!
IVA ILIC: #sknEdges15 #lesson1 Shoes, shoes, shoes... Having so much fun with the homework! 😊😎☀️
IVA ILIC: Changes in planes... #SKNedges #lesson1 Shoes, shoes, shoes... Having so much fun with homework...
IVA ILIC: Shoes, shoes, shoes... Having so much fun with homework...
IVA ILIC: Shoes, shoes, shoes... Having so much fun with homework...
IVA ILIC: Shoes, shoes, shoes... Having so much fun with homework...
IVA ILIC: Shoes, shoes, shoes... Having so much fun with homework...
IVA ILIC: Shoes, shoes, shoes... Having so much fun with homework...
IVA ILIC: Shoes, shoes, shoes... Having so much fun with homework...