Jesus Peñas:
Bf(Me)109G-4 “Red Seven” D-FWME
Jesus Peñas:
P-51 Mustang 413317 RAF Museum Hendon
Jesus Peñas:
43-33 | Ejercito del Aire de España | Canadair CL-415 Festival Aereo de Torre del Mar
Jesus Peñas:
Hawker Fury K5674 (G-CBZP) y Hawker Nimrod II K3661 (G-BURZ)
Giuseppe Milo (
The blue hour - Busan, South Korea - Cityscape photography
Giuseppe Milo (
The Etna - Cottanera, Sicily - Travel photography
Giuseppe Milo (
Public Library - Stuttgart, Germany - Architecture photography
The Wall of Sound ... this wall outside of the cavern club, Liverpool has all the names of the artists that have played there engraved in the wall.
Flamborough Head Lighthouse
Woodhead Pass, Penistone
The godfather.. more bank holiday family and friends
Chrysler New Yorker
Unknown Mercury Truck
Hiro sensei photos:
F862 Variotessar T* FE 24-70mm/F4, A7s, @Budapest, DSC06475 R1
Hiro sensei photos:
F855 Thambar 90mm/F2.2, Sony A7s @Budapest, DSC06374 R1
Hiro sensei photos:
F859 Variotessar T* FE 24-70mm/F4, A7s, セーチェーニ鎖橋、Széchenyi Lánchíd @Budapest, DSC06458 R1
Hiro sensei photos:
F860 Moon & Lion @Budapest, DSC06434 R1
puppy Salome and Lewis
bright puppy
ornella sartore:
Un cuore ed un tocco di blu per le finestre di Campello Monti (Valstrona)