Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC3065 _ Burrowing Owls
Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC5028 _ Burrowing Owl
leendert3: Young Bushbuck (m)
davidlawrence15: Blue Tit
HZWGHZCZYNJQY77TJ5M3SKH6UC: summer thunderstorm
JensLPZ: A sleeping beauty: Sperlingskauz (Glaucidium passerinum) - Eurasian pygmy owl · · (R5A_9228)
8lueskies: Bar Headed Goose
8lueskies: Great Crested Grebe
JEO126: Ruby-throated hummingbird
Ken Krach Photography: Canyonlands National Park
claudialohmanns: Grünschenkel
bobchappell55: K33P2089aa Chiffchaff, Monks Wood, June 2024
Daniel.Dupont: Bruant Hudsonien---American Tree Sparrow (Spizelloides arborea)
davolly59: Eyeing up the talent
Nick Ransdale: IMG_5998. Nomada succincta (Yellow-legged Nomad Bee, Apidae)
judithmchale: Reddish Egret white morph in flight
Bob Eade: Large Heath (Coenonympha tullia).
Gregg White: Southern Grey Shrike
cherrytree54: Greylags-P7181869
chappietam: Midge's at play!
glloydholmes: 20240717-_DSC3459 - Teneral Damselfly
rogercollorick: Stonechat
Paul McGoveran: Osprey 5139
Ron Buening: Attempted Tail Grab
garrity_j: American Bullfrog
Ken Krach Photography: Mars in the Night
naturalist@winneshiekwild.com: yellow-bellied sapsucker juvenile male at Lake Meyer Park IA 116A1959