Tim Melling: Magellanic Woodpecker
JEO126: Red-breasted merganser hen
Schocken Photography: Eye to Eye with a Barred Owl (Explored, February 13, 2025)
jeanmarie.gradot: Trapania euryeia
billoddie3: Little Grebe . Tachybaptus Ruficollis
Mobile Lynn: Song Thrush 504_4820.jpg
SnappyMac: Gadwall (Anas Strepera)
bobchappell55: DSCF4483c Meadow Pipit, Dearne Valley, January 2025
Nick Ransdale: E02A0013. European Serin (Serinus serinus) m
Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC8631_ Get ready
hutterbutter02: Mama’s got all her ducks in a row
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 5 ... # Lièvre d'Europe ( Lepus europaeus )
John Arthur Thompson: Blackcap (Sylvia atricaspilla) ♂︎
Jeluba: Yellow-fronted Canary (Crithagra mozambica)
Chantal Jacques Photography: Resurfacing- Harlequin Duck Style
philippeoros: Buse Variable
Paul McGoveran: Common Mergansers 6629
Marhi_226: Zygaena loti
Ron Buening: Off and Away
Jan Rothe: 21 years and 9 months
Mark S Searle: Spectacled Warbler (M)
Daniel.Dupont: Tyran tritri--Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus)
RKop: Stella DeJaguar
Louis Olivier Jr.: Atlantic Walker-622732.jpg
Ken Krach Photography: White-Breasted Nuthatch
davolly59: Short eared owl ( asio flammeus )
msj99: Little Egret, Egretta garzetta
msj99: Stonechat, Saxicola rubicola
msj99: Red Kite, Milvus milvus