AlessandroDM: The garbage show
hasjhasj1: Survivor of many winters
Rafael Zenon Wagner: Frankfurt am Main
~mimo~: ‘Tis the season~ Duesseldorf, Germany
AlessandroDM: Diagonale di vetro
Marcus with a "c": Autumn in the city.
Chris Kench: Le Nemours - Place Colette
Rafael Zenon Wagner: world of wonders
hasjhasj1: Check and Mate! Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France) - 2019
2n2907: Graphic Architecture
2n2907: Wet Reflection #2 Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France) - 2019
JeroBau: Tokyo
2n2907: Urban Abstract
hasjhasj1: At the Mercado
Mondmann: Dragoon on a Cloudy Day Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France) - 2019
2n2907: Minimal Abstract
Chris Kench: Bamburgh Castle
2n2907: Abstract Architecture
AlessandroDM: Portico con vista