Daniel.Pettersson: Charadrius hiaticula | Common Ringed Plover | större strandpipare
Daniel.Pettersson: Charadrius hiaticula | Common Ringed Plover | större strandpipare
Corine & Jean-Yves: Orchidées d'été : l'Epipactis muelleri ( Epipactis de Müller)
Chantal Jacques Photography: PIed-billed Grebe
Chantal Jacques Photography: Hooded Merganser (Hen)
Chantal Jacques Photography: Foggy Morning in the neighborhood - Cordova Bay Ridge, Victoria, British Columbia.
Chantal Jacques Photography: On the Go - Common Merganser Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Landing- American Wigeon Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Line-up of Goldeneye
Chantal Jacques Photography: Eye to Eye - Common Goldeneye Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Still in the fog- Dunlin Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Hang on to your hat day- Hooded Merganser Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Whimbrel - Close-up Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Semi-palmated Plover- Can walk and chew worm at the same time
Chantal Jacques Photography: In the Reeds - Common Yellowthroat
Chantal Jacques Photography: Still in a vaporous mood - Dunlin
Chantal Jacques Photography: Spotted Sandpiper
Chantal Jacques Photography: The return of the Junco
Chantal Jacques Photography: Catching a Wave - Black-Bellied Plover Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Long-tailed Meadowlark with full meal deal
Chantal Jacques Photography: Caracara Preparing a Nest
Chantal Jacques Photography: Rufous-chested Dotterel
Chantal Jacques Photography: Double Plume - California Quail
Chantal Jacques Photography: Slim Pickings - American Robin
Chantal Jacques Photography: Flipping Clams- Common Goldeneye Style
Chantal Jacques Photography: Nose-to-nose encounter