campage1015: Anyone gonna be at lockhaven tm?
campage1015: Like these a lot more than I thought I would
campage1015: 2016-04-14_06-43-25
New_England_Boyz{O.G}: How many favs can my trifecta get?
danflo27 (813.422.3618): Believe the hype #nofilter all blue is turning black and and everything still needs touched up
campage1015: 2016-03-14_05-14-33
campage1015: Got the craziest deal on these fuckers! Offer size 9.5, Have 2 pairs now!
campage1015: Little throwback 😂 he won states this year!
joshfarrar00: Ny states
campage1015: gimme something cool that fits 9.5-10
taylorrich6(602-388-9048): In the red intensities💯
sodazack: Buy! Trade! Buy! Trade! The Bnib Ints are 6.5s The gold are 7-8s 8/10 condo and The Kspeeds are 6.5-7.5 7/10 if interested text me 781-799-4345
ILL_BORN113: How many favs can this get!?