claudiadea131: Fishing on the lake
claudiadea131: My black blank sketch
claudiadea131: The night of my blue moon
claudiadea131: Tuscan landscape
claudiadea131: flight to Como
claudiadea131: I love the fog, it knows how to cover the useless details of things and makes thoughts project into the place where it must reside, within ourselves. I love the fog, because it is so introspective! Stephen Littleword
claudiadea131: The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be. Il miglior rimedio per coloro che sono sp
claudiadea131: romantic night
claudiadea131: From the Easter egg a chick came out of orange chalk with blue beak. He said: I'm going, I start traveling and I bring to everyone a great message. And whirling here and there crossing towns and cities he wrote on the walls, in the sky and on the ground:
claudiadea131: my red sunset
claudiadea131: "Who knows if one day, looking into the eyes of those who have you after me, you will look for something that belongs to me." Pablo Neruda
claudiadea131: the first flowers appear
claudiadea131: red clouds
claudiadea131: Rome, 21 December 2020 - On the day of the winter solstice, a phenomenon that has not been observed for about 400 years: tonight Jupiter and Saturn will overlap, close as they were only in 1623, creating the magical effect of a single celestial body. And
claudiadea131: the fisherman at sunset
claudiadea131: The train in the fog
claudiadea131: steps inside the autumn
claudiadea131: The black deer
claudiadea131: silence and serenity
claudiadea131: the leaf on the glass
claudiadea131: Rain drops in the city
claudiadea131: romantic steps
claudiadea131: The romantic fog
claudiadea131: Silhouette at sunset
claudiadea131: It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses we must plant more roses. Non pioveranno mai rose: quando vogliamo avere più rose dobbiamo piantare più rose. (George Eliot)
claudiadea131: my romantic boat
claudiadea131: Ho chiesto il mio piccolo uccello ,,,, ci sarà la pace ?? ,,, mi ha risposto con tristezza ,,,, sarà molto difficile, perché gli umani sono troppo bugiardi e bullo
claudiadea131: Sono molto appassionato di tramonti. Vieni, andiamo a guardare un tramonto.,,,,,,I am very passionate about sunsets. Come on, let's look at a sunset.
claudiadea131: the broken sky
claudiadea131: On the top I look at my fabulous lake