www.bidunart.com: BayBridge
Dave Beaudette: Sleepy Orange, Eurema nicippe
Jay Peck: Salve Mater
Dave Hoefler: The Woods
Bill Bowman: What does a coot think...
klythawk: Concentration..........
snowyturner: Land's End sunset
YVON B: From The Camera Store...
Dave Beaudette: Queen, Danaus gilippus
www.bidunart.com: Brother and Sister
Alex Nebot: The look of the Tiger. ( La mirada del Tigre )
Valter49 away: Ready to land...
Foto.Bloke.. sick: she's elegant..
Maurizio De Feudis: Aaaaapri.....la finestraaaa!
Brian Wayfarer: MI QUERIDA ESPAÑA (XXVII) (Zo) Y
Vivienne Gucwa: New York City Autumn Central Park West Fall Foliage
Valentin le luron: Flamboyante Vallée
normanwest4tography: Red Kite - Milvus milvus
ASPphotographic: green lantern
Masa_N: The spiral staircase
Hammerchewer: Bright start
bharat jogi: Central Park - NYC
lorenzapanizza: Al Rifugio Passo San Nicolò.
Martyn.Smith.: Kept in the dark [Explore]
Pietro Faccioli: Bird's eye
Sandra Standbridge.: It is taken ages for this nail varnish to dry. Explored.
brandonzcreations: I Like Big Nuts and I Cannot Lie