marieterrytattoos: Penguins and water colour. But red still. #penguintattoo #penguins #lovepenguins #blackfootpenguin #africanpenguin #oldlondonroadtattoos #marieterry
marieterrytattoos: Sif The wolf from Dark Souls! #sifthewolf #sif #darksouls #darksouls2 #gamertattoos #gamerink #videogametattoos #videogametatts #geekchic #nerdytattoos #geekytattoo #marieterry #oldlondonroadtattoos #playstationtattoo
marieterrytattoos: Almost healed lion. Loved this design idea thanks Ashley! #liontattoo #legtattoo #blackandgreytattoo #marieterry #oldlondonroadtattoos #kingstonuponthames #kingstontattoostudio #kingstontattoo #inkedanimals
marieterrytattoos: Lion done today. Got another lion to post from the other day after :p it's been a liony week #liontattoo #thightattoo #blackandgreytattoo #marieterry #oldlondonroadtattoos #kingstonuponthames #kingstontattoostudio #kingstontattoo #inkedanimals
marieterrytattoos: Yay trihawk shaved back in. Orange and black with bangs this time. Feel more myself now. No hairspray to spike it though boo-urns
marieterrytattoos: Finished this off today :p adding more to upper arm soon #dayofthedead #dayofthedeadtattoo #diadelosmuertos #facetattoo #portraittattoo #ladyfacetattoo #marieterry #oldlondonroadtattoos
marieterrytattoos: Really enjoyed doing this black panther in colour. Hardcore area, getting this right on the ribs! It's a bit swollen hopefully I'll get a healed pic later 😎 #animaltattoo #animalportrait #panthertattoo #realistictattoo #realismtattoo #inkedanim
marieterrytattoos: Got started on this final fantasy sleeve today. Loads to go, will be posting it's progress. Got the moogle done at least 😺 #videogametattoos #finalfantasy #finalfantasytattoo #moogletattoo
marieterrytattoos: Cool idea. Done some watercolour poppies that the clients mum had painted, as a memorial tattoo. Definitely a nice personal tribute. :p #watercolourtattoo #watercolortattoo #poppytattoo #watercolorflowers #watercolourflowers #kingstonuponthames #oldlondo
marieterrytattoos: In Progress (obvs) got quite a big chunk done today. Can't wait to do more. #trashpolkatattoo #trashpolka #fenderguitar #fendertattoo
marieterrytattoos: Never been so excited for a cover up. Gonna be a huge trash polka project!
marieterrytattoos: #oldlondonroadtattoos
marieterrytattoos: Alsatian portrait. Really fun. Bit of a shiny photo. Gonna put a video later as it wraps around :p #animaltattoo #dogportrait #dogportraittattoo #portraittattoo #realistictattoo #realismtattoo #oldlondonroadtattoos #marieterry #kingstontattoo #kingstonupo
marieterrytattoos: Ninja. 19 years old? #catface #russianblue
marieterrytattoos: And little gap filler black widow today on Alex. The other tattoos around were done by other tattooists in this studio :p #blackwidowtattoo #gapfiller #spidertattoo #oldlondonroadtattoos #kingstontattoo #kingatontattoos #marieterry #londontattooartist
marieterrytattoos: Lego men are really fun. Done a mime this morning...Up for doing more :) #legotattoo #legoink #legomime #mimetattoo #legoman #marieterry #oldlondonroadtattoos #kingstontattoo #londontattooartist
marieterrytattoos: Smelly tomboy. Dunno why I stuck em like this. I don't fitstagram 😟
marieterrytattoos: Been working on this today. Not finished yet! One more session to go, I want to do more faces and portraits!! #portraittattoo #girlfacetattoo
marieterrytattoos: Finished this off this morning on the thigh #shiptattoo
marieterrytattoos: Really happy with today. Would like to do more things in this style. Especially some portraits!! 😎 #buddha #buddhism #buddhatattoo #buddhaart #opaquegreytattoo #bnginksociety #blackandgreytattoo #realismtattoo #buddist #buddisttattoo #oldlondo
marieterrytattoos: Embracing the selfie. Today I am some sort of Pippi Longstocking mixed with Japanese schoolgirl and a leopard.
marieterrytattoos: Really happy with today. Would like to do more things in this style. Especially some portraits!! 😎 #buddha #buddhism #buddhatattoo #buddhaart #opaquegreytattoo #bnginksociety #blackandgreytattoo #realismtattoo #buddist #buddisttattoo #oldlondo
marieterrytattoos: Wooo got my green v3 back from repair. Stigma are awesome. Happy #stigmahyperv3 #stigmaprodigy #stigmarotary
marieterrytattoos: ...continuing :)
marieterrytattoos: Finished Frieda Khalo today. Would love to do more colour portraits like this! More portraits in general I really enjoy them 😁 #frieda #friedakahlo #portraittattoo #colourrealism #colourportrait #colorrealism #colorportrait #portrait #oldlondonroadta
marieterrytattoos: Started this Zelda wind waker themed sleeve today :) more to come #zeldatattoo #link #linktattoo #videogametattoo #videogametatts #marieterry #oldlondonroadtattoos #kingstontattoo #londontattooartist #nerdytattoos #geekchic #geekytattoo #gamertattoo #game